
Doorless helicopter over New York


Doorless helicopter over New York

Donald Trump is partly to thank for me achieving this photograph. During my trip to New York in 2016, I overcame my fear of dangling out of a helicopter and opted for a trip in one without doors. Shortly after Election Night in 2016, President-elect Donald Trump was staying at Trump Tower and a no-fly zone was extended around the vicinity. The consequence of this was the helicopter had to fly at twice the height and avoid a large part of Midtown. Therefore, since we couldn’t spend time over a large part of Manhattan, the pilot had extra time to go further north, to reach the northern end of Central Park. Due to the increased altitude, the perspective was wider, resulting in this image. It must be said, even if there is no wind at ground level, it is extremely blustery at 3,000ft in a helicopter without doors. And in November it wasn’t warm at ground level. Fortunately I was prepared with many layers of clothes; I felt sorry for the newly-wed woman next to me who was clearly not enjoying the experience, in contrast to her husband who obviously sold it to her omitting the chilly part. I still keep in touch with them, separately.